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Ken's Study Journey Reminder:

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Missions of Services

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Study in Busy Time, Help in Free Time

Following my personal website/blog in 2019, Ken’s Study Journey, my part-time free “Volunteering” study tips service, has continued for over 4 years.

Ken’s Study Journey not only strives to boost performance as a student but also helps other students in free time.

I help other students (like Volunteering) with my free Study Tips and Tools (e.g. Ken's Study Planner) in my free time while not affecting my normal study.

Generally, the Missions of Services have many parts, including:

  • Welcome User Suggestions
  • Respond to Every User
  • Be Tolerant to Users
  • Enhance User Experience
  • Communicate Globally
  • Support Latest Development
  • Ensure Fair Competition
  • Same Services Everywhere
  • Ensure Equal Access
Ken's Study Journey Missions of Services

Ken's Study Journey Missions of Services

Welcome User Suggestions

As well as self-inventions, Ken’s Study Journey products are also developed with the help of user suggestions.

Ken’s Study Journey makes products and features students need, like Ken’s Study Planner, an online planning and productivity tool.

Note: Some suggestions may be unachievable due to technical limitations.

Real Example

Ken's Study Journey received a feature request from many students around January 2023: making Ken’s Study Planner desktop and mobile apps.

Unfortunately, being a large project (like office buildings and new products of some tech companies), it may be released around January to February 2024.

Some other accepted feature requests for Ken's Study Planner are:

  • Adding APIs for self-programmed Python programs;
  • Fill in decimal numbers in Projects & Reading Tracker;
  • Add Time as well as Date in Events Manager.

Respond to Every User

Reply/Respond to every user comment and email message. *

Don’t ignore the first user message over a long time.

* Note: Replies may be delayed (and extraneous messages may not be replied to) for sending mass comments/emails in a short time causing Ken’s Study Journey too much burden.

Real Example

Ken’s Study Journey received friendly emails (e.g. Thank Letters and Feature Requests) from many users and replied to all.

Be Tolerant to Users

Give users opportunities to correct errors, not directly banning user accounts and/or IP addresses for the first violation *.

Ken's Study Journey not only complies with relevant laws and regulations but also becomes friendly to you, striving to be a service provider you enjoy.

The main goal of the services is to educate users, especially students, rather than directly penalising or banning them.

Otherwise, by imposing strict penalties (like permanent ban), users may lose confidence in communication and using the services.

* This doesn’t include users not correcting errors after many reminders/warnings, re-registered accounts after an account ban or orders from authorities.

Enhance User Experience

Ken’s Study Journey strives to develop products, services and features students need and enhance user experience.

Everything in Ken’s Study Journey underwent many version updates for several years, from the (personal) logo and user interfaces to self-developed study tips and tools.

Based on user thanks letters (emails and comments) and statistics, Ken’s Study Planner and Timer boosted the productivity of over 70 students and hundreds of students worldwide respectively until July 2023.

Communicate Globally

As a Chinese international school student and Internet service, Ken’s Study Journey strives to service students globally with many servers worldwide, plus exchanging ideas.

Real Example

Discovering the earlier development of the Study Tips topic outside China, Ken’s Study Journey adopted a tip not self-invented, called Active Recall.

Despite Ken’s Study Journey and Planner are used by majorly Chinese students (including Chinese university students using CERNET ISP), it also has a few users outside China.

For example, the “EPQ A* Tips” article was opened by many UK broadband users, according to the website statistics.

Support Latest Development

Ken’s Study Journey has a sense of modernism, preferring, enjoying and making not only the modern environment and interfaces but also cutting-edge technologies.

Some technologies used are:

  • IPv6 (highly attached importance)
  • Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
  • HTTP/2
  • HTTPS and HSTS Security
  • Global Load-balancing
  • Google Authenticator (2FA/MFA)
  • Big Data
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Models

Plus some self-invented technologies:

  • (2021) Email Anti-phishing System with Unique Codes
  • (2023) Automated Reminder System for Massive Website Scanning

Let’s Strengthen Security on the State-of-the-art Technology
Security also plays a critical role in modern technologies to avoid incidents, like Service Outages (Server Down) and Data Breach.

Ensure Fair Competition

Ken’s Study Journey attaches strong importance to Fair Competition with real metrics (counts) like users, subscribers and views count.

Real Example

Ken’s Study Journey reported a video channel that commented on my videos promoting its “Buy Views” service on March 2023.

It never inappropriately (e.g. by buying/selling) increases the metrics (counts).

Note that such users/subscribers may not be the targeted audiences.

Same Services Everywhere

Ken’s Study Journey provides the same services globally (in English and Chinese-Simplified) not containing country-specific versions, encouraging international exchange and communication with students worldwide.

All servers are self-built/rent without using third-party CDNs, which enhances user data security and content originality, and avoids user data retention and cache latency.

Did you know?

All user data is stored in China Mainland (core servers in Guangzhou, China) to ensure data security.

Data of users outside China Mainland are immediately deleted from the edge servers after forwarding and shall not be retained.

Ensure Equal Access

Ken’s Study Journey treats everyone equally, not discriminating against any gender, age, racism, country/region, IP addresses MAC addresses, ISP (AS number), browser, etc. *

Considering large LANs under the same public IP address (e.g. schools and mobile data), rate limits will not be implemented for users not negatively impacting the services.

Additionally, considering the inaccessibility and rate limits of some Internet services (e.g. YouTube and Instagram) in some countries/regions, Ken’s Study Journey stores a copy of the content (e.g. photos and videos/vlogs), on the website itself, posted on third-party platforms.

* Tor, a tool majorly used by hackers threatening Internet security, is excepted.

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